Friday, August 29, 2014

Malaise Is Ahead For Malaysia's Bubble Economy


I recently wrote about how Indonesia’s economy has devolved into a classic credit and asset bubble-driven growth story, and its neighbor Malaysia is on the same path along with most other Southeast Asian economies, which are part of the overall emerging markets bubble that I have been warning about in the last couple of years.

The emerging markets bubble began in 2009 after China pursued an aggressive credit-driven infrastructure-based growth strategy to bolster their economy during the global financial crisis. China’s economy quickly rebounded as construction activity flourished, which drove a global raw materials boom that greatly benefited commodities exporting countries such as Australia and emerging markets. Emerging markets’ improving fortunes began to attract the attention of global investors who were seeking to diversify away from Western nations that were at the epicenter of the financial crisis.

Rock-bottom interest rates in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, combined with the Federal Reserve’s multi-trillion dollar quantitative easing programs encouraged a $4 trillion torrent of speculative “hot money” to flow into emerging market investments over the past four years. A global carry trade arose in which investors borrowed at low interest rates from the U.S. and Japan, invested the funds in high-yielding emerging market assets, and pocketed the interest rate differential or “spread.” Soaring demand for EM assets led to a bond bubble and ultra-low borrowing costs, which resulted in government-driven infrastructure booms, alarmingly fast credit growth, and property bubbles in numerous developing nations.

Surging capital inflows into Malaysia after the Crash of 2008 caused the ringgit currency to rise 25 percent against the U.S. dollar in just two years:

Foreign holdings of ringgit-denominated bonds hit an all time high:

Foreign direct investment (net inflows, current dollars) immediately recovered from its crisis-induced plunge to dramatically surge to new highs:


The Kuala Lumpur Composite stock index rose 120 percent, aided by growing interest from foreign investors:

Malaysia Is A Classic Credit Bubble Story

Malaysia’s $303 billion economy has been growing at an average 6 percent rate in recent years due in large part to a growing government and household credit bubble.

Since 2010, Malaysia’s public debt-to-GDP ratio has been hovering at all time highs of over 50 percent thanks to large fiscal deficits that were incurred when an aggressive stimulus package was launched to bolster the country’s economy during the Global Financial Crisis. After Sri Lanka, Malaysia now has the second highest public debt-to-GDP ratio among 13 emerging Asian countries according to a Bloomberg study. Malaysia’s high public debt burden led to a sovereign credit rating outlook downgrade by Fitch in July.

Malaysia’s government has been running a budget deficit since 1999:

Like their government, Malaysian households are also binging on debt, which has caused the county’s ratio of household debt to GDP to hit a record 83 percent – Southeast Asia’s highest household debt load – which is up from 70 percent in 2009, and up greatly from the 39 percent ratio at the start of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. Malaysian household debt has grown at around12 percent annually each year since 2008.

It’s no surprise to see an inflating household debt bubble when Malaysia’s bank lending rate is at record lows:

Ultra-low interest rates have caused Malaysia’s private sector loans to increase by over 80 percent since 2008:

Malaysia’s M3 money supply, a broad measure of total money and credit in the economy, shows a similar worrisome trend:

Malaysia’s high level of household debt led the country’s central bank, Bank Negara, to recently impose lending rules that cap maximum terms of personal loans to 10 years and mortgages to 35 years – a decrease from the common 45 year mortgages.

Datuk Paul Selva Raj, CEO of the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA), said 47 percent of young Malaysians are currently in “serious debt” (debt payments amount to 30 percent or more of their gross income), something that could catch up with them very quickly.

“Car purchases and credit card debts are among the main reasons for bankruptcy in Malaysia,” said Paul. “It’s the culture we live in. There’s a lot of emphasis on status and being ‘cool’ – but being cool costs money.”

Malaysia’s household credit bubble is helping to fuel a consumer spending boom:

Malaysian car registrations are up by 50 percent since 2008:

Malaysian corporate leverage, which includes corporate bonds and bank loans, is also rising at an alarming rate, reaching 95.8 percent of GDP in 2013 from 79.9 percent in 2007.

Malaysia Also Has A Property Bubble

Like most other countries that are part of the emerging markets bubble, Malaysia has a property bubble in addition to its credit bubble.

The charts below show the parabolic rise of overall Malaysian property prices:


Accounting for nearly half of all household debt, soaring mortgage loan growth is a primary reason why Malaysia’s household debt is increasing at such a rapid rate.

Plans to build the tallest building in Southeast Asia, the 118-story Warisan Merdeka Tower, are a major Skyscraper Index red flag.

How Malaysia’s Bubble Economy Will Pop

While Malaysia has fared better than Indonesia, India and Brazil during this summer’s emerging markets rout, the country still has an extremely dangerous economic bubble that will pop when the overall emerging markets bubble pops in earnest. Malaysia’s bubble will most likely pop when China’s economic bubble pops and/or as global and local interest rates continue to rise, which are what caused the country’s credit and asset bubble in the first place. The resumption of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s QE taper plans may put pressure on Malaysia’s financial markets in the near future. Malaysia’s rapidly deteriorating current account surplus due to weaker exports is another worrisome development.

As I’ve been saying even before this summer’s EM panic, I expect the ultimate popping of the emerging markets bubble to cause another crisis that is similar to the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, and there is a strong chance that it will be even worse this time due to the fact that more countries are involved (Latin America, China, and Africa), and because the global economy is in a far weaker state now than it was during the heady days of the late-1990s.

Jackpot股的誘惑 - 買股票如買彩票

毕老林 2014年4月16日


在芸芸蚊型公司中發掘下一家騰訊,固然有若大海撈針,但事實告訴大家,散戶渴望一朝發達,莫說十三年,一兩年恐怕也嫌長。此所以,生物科技股中十隻未必有一隻賺錢,投資者對這個板塊也顯得忽冷忽熱,惟生科股相對大市永遠「貴」得離譜。道理很簡單,買入IBM以至今天的騰訊,一年漲10倍近乎不可能。然而,押注一隻可能成功研發「癌症剋星」的小型生科股,莫說一年,一天漲10倍亦非全無機會。生科板塊難炒眾所周知,但願意為可望而不可即的夢想pay up者,任何時候皆大不乏人。對這類投資者而言,買股票跟買彩票實無兩樣。



市民投注六合彩,無非憧憬一朝發達,買的是一個極之渺茫的可能性(possibility)。即使最不切實際的人,相信亦不可能天真到以為花上十元八塊,便能換來一個發生概率高的機會(a high probability of happening)。


正如六合彩投注人深知中獎機會微乎其微一樣,買入「超貴」且集中於兩三個板塊股票的投資者,心裏想必十分清楚,這些公司只有極少數能成為下一隻騰訊、蘋果或Google。然而,他們隨即想到,騰訊、Google不也有過寂寂無聞,就如今天市場上那些「彩票股」的日子嗎?唔賭唔知時運高,who knows?

許多讀者相信都有像老畢那樣的經驗,每天收到自稱投資顧問的電郵推介,焦點雖不一而足,但皆對準三數概念,比如物聯網、頁岩革命、新能源,以至無人駕駛飛機,把這些廣為人知的發展包裝成冰山一角,着力促銷The Next Big Thing。說穿了,此等「專家」殊無新意,所謂The Next Big Thing,不過聲稱「發現」較Bakken和Eagle Ford加起來還要大的頁岩能源產區,又或無人駕駛飛機如何深入國民生活的每個層面,諸如此類。









Thursday, August 28, 2014

黃金股票 歡喜冤家





畢非德喜股惡金,人盡皆知。然而,世上若只有兩種投資可供選擇,非股即金,「股神」又會以什麼方法游說天下人「棄暗投明」?答案清楚寫在巴郡2012年致股東函內。畢非德於信中非但貶金,且對債券、銀行存款以至按揭產品等以貨幣為單位的投資「一網打盡」,警告投資者不要被表面看來安全可靠的資產迷惑,對持有相關項目可能招致的購買力損失視而不見。換句話說,一切立足於貨幣的投資工具都有可能因回報抵銷不了通脹而令持有人長遠吃虧;所謂投資,就是把購買力暫時轉移旁人,以換取日後更強大的購買力。畢非德對通脹足以摧毀固定收益投資工具的購買力念茲在茲,從他於2012年致股東函中揚言:「債券應附以警告標語」(bonds should come with a warning label),不已窺一斑而知全豹?















Wednesday, August 27, 2014


然而美联储的“货币政策”完全失控了。美国国债货币化的数量自1987年美联储主席艾伦格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)以来明显增加一发不可收拾,如同下表。现在的长期国债投资组合超过1987年8月整个美国国家债务的77%。
接下来从其他国家央行的数据上来看是熊市视角(蓝色线)。在2012年11月,有一个美国国债的大幅(11.4%)减少,但是这种下降趋势并不是什么新闻。因为在1998年9月(由于亚洲金融[-1.73%]危机引起的)减少高达15%。当时的美联储主席艾伦格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)安抚国会并通过媒体向公众表示一切在控制之中。在亚洲这次恐慌中(1997年3月- 1998年9月)格林斯潘保持市场控制。10年期美国公债收益率从6.70%下降至4.90%,而黄金的价格从339美元降至290美元。
中国: $506
日本: $575
美联储: $478
德国(# 21)只持有680亿美元的山姆大叔的借据。德国是世界上最大的经济体之一,但像爱尔兰这样的国家(# 16)持有更多的美国长期债券。
美国国债市场的一个最常的主题应该是主要债券持有人(如中国上图的# 3)决定出售其债券,他们可能引发经济厄运。让我们看看这个相同的通过百分比分类的数据Max Val列表(下图)。迄今最大的卖家(百分比的基础上)英国(# 1)清算超过一半的长期国库券投资组合。俄罗斯(# 3)出售35%的国债。但到目前为止,最新的数据没有一个美国国债的主要持有者清算很大比例的投资组合。注意合计总数(# 36)是在一个新的历史新高。
在未来中国(# 18)或许会出售大部分的美国长期债券。大幅抛售美国国债会伤害的不仅仅是联邦政府。
如果耶伦真的打算缩减量化宽松到零,并且金融市场再次开始缩紧通货像在2008 - 09年,在股市下跌30%或更多美联储的政治压力将难以抵抗。没有美联储在股票和债券市场直接干预,股票和债券的估值将会下降到难以想象的低水平。

The TRUTH about China’s Massive Gold Hoard

By Jeff Clark, Senior Precious Metals Analyst
I don’t want to say that mainstream analysts are stupid when it comes to China’s gold habits, but I did look up how to say that word in Chinese…
One report claims, for example, that gold demand in China is down because the yuan has fallen and made the metal more expensive in the country. Sounds reasonable, and it has a grain of truth to it. But as you’ll see below, it completely misses the bigger picture, because it overlooks a major development with how the country now imports precious metals.
I’ve seen so many misleading headlines over the last couple months that I thought it time to correct some of the misconceptions. I’ll let you decide if mainstream North American analysts are stupid or not.
The basis for the misunderstanding starts with the fact that the Chinese think differently about gold. They view gold in the context of its role throughout history and dismiss the Western economist who arrogantly declares it an outdated relic. They buy in preparation for a new monetary order—not as a trade they hope earns them a profit.
Combine gold’s historical role with current events, and we would all do well to view our holdings in a slightly more “Chinese” light, one that will give us a more accurate indication of whether we have enough, of what purpose it will actually serve in our portfolio, and maybe even when we should sell (or not).
The horizon is full of flashing indicators that signal the Chinese view of gold is more prudent for what lies ahead. Gold will be less about “making money” and more about preparing for a new international monetary system that will come with historic consequences to our way of life.
With that context in mind, let’s contrast some recent Western headlines with what’s really happening on the ground in China. Consider the big picture message behind these developments and see how well your portfolio is geared for a “Chinese” future…
Gold Demand in China Is Falling
This headline comes from mainstream claims that China is buying less gold this year than last. The International Business Times cites a 30% drop in demand during the “Golden Week” holiday period in May. Many articles point to lower net imports through Hong Kong in the second quarter of the year. “The buying frenzy, triggered by a price slump last April, has not been repeated this year,” reports Kitco.
However, these articles overlook the fact that the Chinese government now accepts gold imports directly into Beijing.
In other words, some of the gold that normally went through Hong Kong is instead shipped to the capital. Bypassing the normal trade routes means these shipments are essentially done in secret. This makes the Western headline misleading at best, and at worst could lead investors to make incorrect decisions about gold’s future.
China may have made this move specifically so its import figures can’t be tracked. It allows Beijing to continue accumulating physical gold without the rest of us knowing the amounts. This move doesn’t imply demand is falling—just the opposite.
And don’t forget that China is already the largest gold producer in the world. It is now reported to have the second largest in-ground gold resource in the world. China does not export gold in any meaningful amount. So even if it were true that recorded imports are falling, it would not necessarily mean that Chinese demand has fallen, nor that China has stopped accumulating gold.
China Didn’t Announce an Increase in Reserves as Expected
A number of analysts (and gold bugs) expected China to announce an update on their gold reserves in April. That’s because it’s widely believed China reports every five years, and the last report was in April 2009. This is not only inaccurate, it misses a crucial point.
First, Beijing publicly reported their gold reserve amounts in the following years:
  • 500 tonnes at the end of 2001
  • 600 tonnes at the end of 2002
  • 1,054 tonnes in April 2009.
Prior to this, China didn’t report any change for over 20 years; it reported 395 tonnes from 1980 to 2001.
There is no five-year schedule. There is no schedule at all. They’ll report whenever they want, and—this is the crucial point—probably not until it is politically expedient to do so.
Depending on the amount, the news could be a major catalyst for the gold market. Why would the Chinese want to say anything that might drive gold prices upwards, if they are still buying?
Even with All Their Buying, China’s Gold Reserve Ratio Is Still Low
Almost every report you’ll read about gold reserves measures them in relation to their total reserves. The US, for example, has 73% of its reserves in gold, while China officially has just 1.3%. Even the World Gold Council reports it this way.
But this calculation is misleading. The US has minimal foreign currency reserves—and China has over $4 trillion. The denominators are vastly different.
A more practical measure is to compare gold reserves to GDP. This would tell us how much gold would be available to support the economy in the event of a global currency crisis, a major reason for having foreign reserves in the first place and something Chinese leaders are clearly preparing for.
The following table shows the top six holders of gold in GDP terms. (Eurozone countries are combined into one.) Notice what happens to China’s gold-to-GDP ratio when their holdings move from the last-reported 1,054-tonne figure to an estimated 4,500 tonnes (a reasonable figure based on import data).
Value US$ B
($1300 gold)
of GDP
*including 503.2 tonnes held by ECB
Sources: World Gold Council, IMF, Casey Research proprietary calculations

At 4,500 tonnes, the ratio shows China would be on par with the top gold holders in the world. In fact, they would hold more gold than every country except the US (assuming the US and EU have all the gold they say they have). This is probably a more realistic gauge of how they determine if they’re closing in on their goals.
This line of thinking assumes China’s leaders have a set goal for how much gold they want to accumulate, which may or may not be the case. My estimate of 4,500 tonnes of current gold reserves might be high, but it may also be much less than whatever may ultimately satisfy China’s ambitions. Sooner or later, though, they’ll tell us what they have, but as above, that will be when it works to China’s benefit.
The Gold Price Is Weak Because Chinese GDP Growth Is Slowing
Most mainstream analysts point to the slowing pace of China’s economic growth as one big reason the gold price hasn’t broken out of its trading range. China is the world’s largest gold consumer, so on the surface this would seem to make sense. But is there a direct connection between China’s GDP and the gold price?
Over the last six years, there has been a very slight inverse correlation (-0.07) between Chinese GDP and the gold price, meaning they act differently slightly more often than they act the same. Thus, the Western belief characterized above is inaccurate. The data signal that, if China’s economy were to slow, gold demand won’t necessarily decline.
The fact is that demand is projected to grow for reasons largely unrelated to whether their GDP ticks up or down. The World Gold Council estimates that China’s middle class is expected to grow by 200 million people, to 500 million, within six years. (The entire population of the US is only 316 million.) They thus project that private sector demand for gold will increase 25% by 2017, due to rising incomes, bigger savings accounts, and continued rapid urbanization. (170 cities now have over one million inhabitants.) Throw in China’s deep-seated cultural affinity for gold and a supportive government, and the overall trend for gold demand in China is up.
The Gold Price Is Determined at the Comex, Not in China
One lament from gold bugs is that the price of gold—regardless of how much people pay for physical metal around the world—is largely a function of what happens at the Comex in New York.
One reason this is true is that the West trades in gold derivatives, while the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) primarily trades in physical metal. The Comex can thus have an outsized impact on the price, compared to the amount of metal physically changing hands. Further, volume at the SGE is thin, compared to the Comex.
But a shift is underway…
In May, China approached foreign bullion banks and gold producers to participate in a global gold exchange in Shanghai, because as one analyst put it, “The world’s top producer and importer of the metal seeks greater influence over pricing.”
The invited bullion banks include HSBC, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered, Bank of Nova Scotia, and the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ). They’ve also asked producing companies, foreign institutions, and private investors to participate.
The global trading platform was launched in the city’s “pilot free-trade zone,” which could eventually challenge the dominance of New York and London.
This is not a proposal; it is already underway.
Further, the enormous amount of bullion China continues to buy reduces trading volume in North America. The Chinese don’t sell, so that metal won’t come back into the market anytime soon, if ever. This concern has already been publicly voiced by some on Wall Street, which gives you an idea of how real this trend is.
There are other related events, but the point is that going forward, China will have increasing sway over the gold price (as will other countries: the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange is to begin a spot gold contract within three months).
And that’s a good thing, in our view.
Don’t Be Ridiculous; the US Dollar Isn’t Going to Collapse
In spite of all the warning signs, the US dollar is still the backbone of global trading. “It’s the go-to currency everywhere in the world,” say government economists. When a gold bug (or anyone else) claims the dollar is doomed, they laugh.
But who will get the last laugh?
You may have read about the historic energy deal recently made between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over the next 30 years, about $400 billion of natural gas from Siberia will be exported to China. Roughly 25% of China’s energy needs will be met by 2018 from this one deal. The construction project will be one of the largest in the world. The contract allows for further increases, and it opens Russian access to other Asian countries as well. This is big.
The twist is that transactions will not be in US dollars, but in yuan and rubles. This is a serious blow to the petrodollar.
While this is a major geopolitical shift, it is part of a larger trend already in motion:
  • President Jinping proposed a brand-new security system at the recent Asian Cooperation Conference that is to include all of Asia, along with Russia and Iran, and exclude the US and EU.
  • Gazprom has signed agreements with consumers to switch from dollars to euros for payments. The head of the company said that nine of ten consumers have agreed to switch to euros.
  • Putin told foreign journalists at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that “China and Russia will consider further steps to shift to the use of national currencies in bilateral transactions.” In fact,a yuan-ruble swap facility that excludes the greenback has already been set up.
  • Beijing and Moscow have created a joint ratings agency and are now “ready for transactions… in rubles and yuan,” said the Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. Many Russian companies have already switched contracts to yuan, partly to escape Western sanctions.
  • Beijing already has in place numerous agreements with major trading partners, such as Brazil and the Eurozone, that bypass the dollar.
  • Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (the BRICS countries) announced last week that they are “seeking alternatives to the existing world order.” The five countries unveiled a $100 billion fund to fight financial crises, their version of the IMF. They will also launch a World Bank alternative, a new bank that will make loans for infrastructure projects across the developing world.
You don’t need a crystal ball to see the future for the US dollar; the trend is clearly moving against it. An increasing amount of global trade will be done in other currencies, including the yuan, which will steadily weaken the demand for dollars.
The shift will be chaotic at times. Transitions this big come with complications, and not one of them will be good for the dollar. And there will be consequences for every dollar-based investment. US-dollar holders can only hope this process will be gradual. If it happens suddenly, all US-dollar based assets will suffer catastrophic consequences. In his new book, The Death of Money, Jim Rickards says he believes this is exactly what will happen.
The clearest result for all US citizens will be high inflation, perhaps at runaway levels—and much higher gold prices.
Gold Is More Important than a Profit Statement
Only a deflationary bust could keep the gold price from going higher at some point. That is still entirely possible, yet even in that scenario, gold could “win” as most other assets crash. Otherwise, I’m convinced a mid-four-figure price of gold is in the cards.
But remember: It’s not about the price. It’s about the role gold will serve protecting wealth during a major currency upheaval that will severely impact everyone’s finances, investments, and standard of living.
Most advisors who look out to the horizon and see the same future China sees believe you should hold 20% of your investable assets in physical gold bullion. I agree. Anything less will probably not provide the kind of asset and lifestyle protection you’ll need.
In the meantime, don’t worry about the gold price. China’s got your back.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

複雜產品抬頭 金融危機重演?


8月13日,周三。金融市場近日一大熱話,乃資金從垃圾債市瘋撤。高盛以「六西格瑪事件」(6-sigma event,即六標準差)來形容撤資勢頭之猛。卻其實,在超低息環境將變未變下,異乎尋常的資金流動風險無處不在,垃圾債不過是一次「預演」。

《華爾街日報》8月10日於一篇題為《息旱》(Yield Drought)的文章中指出,超寬鬆貨幣政策促使投資者為「息」而甘於承受高風險,買入低評級或年期較長債券是其中一途,但還有一個可能性,就是押注複雜的信貸結構性產品。眾所周知,抵押債務證券(CDO)等信貸衍生工具,乃觸發金融海嘯的罪魁禍首之一,近年發行量雖大減,但隨着「好息之徒」與日俱增,投行推出信貸衍生工具「滿足需求」的誘因亦日甚於日。
另一例子是,高盛將於9月推出一種名為Fixed Income Global Structured Covered Obligations的結構性產品。老實說,這種葫蘆裏不知賣什麼藥的東西,譯為中文只會令人更加摸不着頭腦。據《華日》介紹,產品背後的資產,某段時間可以絕大部分為住宅按揭抵押證券,某段時間可以是主權債,其他時間可以是企業債券,名副其實一時一樣。投資者究竟買了什麼,像風一般難以捉摸。
複雜金融產品再度抬頭有迹可尋,惟規模是否足以跟海嘯前相提並論,老畢頗有懷疑。不過,有一種集股債特色於一身、銀行為補充資本而發行的金融工具,卻非常值得留意。老畢所說的乃「應急可轉債」(contingent convertible bonds,俗稱CoCo bonds)。CoCo債有密切注意價值,原因有三:
一、由前香港證監會行政總裁韋奕禮(Martin Wheatley)「打骰」的英國金融行為監管局(FCA),近日針對CoCo債發出警告,指當局正在採取行動限制這種「高風險且極度複雜」的產品於零售層面發售。FCA的行動,反證了英國散戶可較易接觸到CoCo債;也就是說,一旦出亂子,受影響的不限於機構和專業投資者。
在大部分情況下CoCo債於銀行資本充足比率降至某一最低要求時,將按條款強制轉化為普通股,以便吸收損失補充資本。銀行所以樂於透過這種方法集資,一則由於發行新股必然攤薄現有股東權益;二則經濟不景呆壞賬激增時,次級債(subordinated debt)無法「以債抵資」,不可能滿足補充資本的迫切需要。CoCo債集股債元素於一身,順風順水時是「債」,現有股東權益不會遭攤薄;逆境降臨時卻是「股」。經此一「轉」,資本流失問題迎刃而解。從銀行立場出發,CoCo債確是一舉兩得的如意算盤。
然而,熟悉期權操作者一眼便能看出,CoCo債乃一種內含認沽期權短倉(short put options)的混合型債務工具,雙方協議的特定事件一旦發生,債券投資者必須按指定條款換股,道理跟認沽期權售方於正股股價跌穿行使價時接貨一樣。



8月8日,周五。許多投資者發夢也想着享有畢非德、索羅斯、David Einhorn一樣的投資回報。自認揀股一絕的股民,索性封自己為港版股神、炒聖。
仔細點看,畢非德愛股表現榮辱互見,比重最高的富國銀行(Wells Fargo)、DirecTV、穆迪、DaVita HealthCare、ConocoPhillips和紐約梅倫銀行,年初以來皆錄得雙位數升幅。然而,通用汽車、可口可樂、沃爾瑪、美國運通、寶潔以至埃克森等大藍籌,表現卻令人失望;升跌相抵,巴郡15大持股明顯跑輸標指。
老畢引述「股神」愛股表現,非為比而比。正如前述,任何投資者皆不可能年年贏季季勝。摘錄Bespoke的統計,只因美國資產管理公司Direxion 8月1日推出一隻名為iBillionaire Index ETF的交易所買賣基金(上市代號IBLN)。顧名思義,這隻基金的賣點是仿效超富投資者選股,以30隻為限,組成一個指數,ETF組合正是立足於此。
靠投資揚名的超級富豪屈指可數,iBillionaire的仿效對象,離不開畢非德、索羅斯、David Einhorn以至Bill Ackman等舉世知名的基金經理。Direxion如何在他們之中權衡輕重、於投資風格上有沒有特別偏好,老畢無法肯定。然而,Direxion聲稱,自去年10月面世以來,iBillionaire上升16%,勝於標普500同期11.8%的回報。
不過,找靈感歸找靈感,千萬別走火入魔,像Bill Ackman死咬康寶萊(Herbalife)那樣,迫人唔死反把自己推向牆角,到頭來全無退路。投資不過求財,一旦牽涉個人榮辱為啖氣,那便誰都幫你唔到了。

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Chinese Gold Standard?

LONDON — While the 70th anniversary of D-Day last month received a lot of attention, another event, in July 1944 — the Bretton Woods conference, named for the mountain resort in New Hampshire where it was held — was perhaps even more significant in shaping the modern world. It not only led to the creation of what are now the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, but it also confirmed the central position of the United States dollar in the international monetary system.

Why does this matter for us now? Just as America displaced Britain as the world’s pre-eminent economic power in the interwar period, so, too, the large debts and fiscal pressures confronting the West, and the rise of China and other economic powers, challenge us to think about the future of finance.

For most of the 19th century the British pound had been the world’s “reserve currency,” the currency in which trade and finance were denominated. “As sound as a pound” became a widely used expression. The pound was pegged to gold at a fixed rate of just under £4 per ounce.

At the outbreak of World War I, Britain abandoned the gold standard. You could no longer exchange pounds for gold. The gold standard was reintroduced in 1925, but this, as John Maynard Keynes observed, proved to be an economic mistake.

British prices and, more crucially, wages, would have to be forced down by 10 percent to maintain the competitiveness of British exports. As American agricultural and industrial exports soared in the 1920s and 1930s, the dollar effectively replaced the pound. It was American bankers who helped out the financially strapped Weimar Republic in the 1920s. The British, as exporters of capital, were a diminished force.

By the time of Bretton Woods, the United States held roughly 60 percent of the world’s gold supply. “Think of the gold in Fort Knox,” America’s chief negotiator at Bretton Woods, Harry Dexter White, said. “That is why we are in a powerful position.” He added, “We have the wherewithal to buy any currency we want.”

Bretton Woods fixed the dollar price of gold at $35 per ounce, and all the other major currencies — the pound, the franc, the mark, the yen — were subsequently pegged to the dollar, even though they could not be exchanged directly for gold. This system lasted until 1971. By then, America was under the financial strain of the Vietnam War and Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society. With mounting deficits and an adverse balance of trade, America struggled to maintain gold convertibility at the old rate of $35 an ounce. So President Richard M. Nixon abandoned the fixed dollar price of gold established at Bretton Woods (over the objections of the Federal Reserve chairman, Arthur F. Burns).

International critics said that the United States, by ending the dollar link to gold, was turning its back on its responsibilities as the guarantor of the international monetary system. Over the decades, the situation has gotten worse. The United States is $17.6 trillion in debt owed to the public, and large trade deficits are the norm. Yet there is no scope for revisiting the international monetary system, despite great dissatisfaction by countries like China and the Persian Gulf states, which hold large foreign currency reserves. Americans themselves question the security of the dollar when their country faces such large trade and budget deficits.

China’s nearly $4 trillion in reserves — accumulated through its mercantilist trade policies — give it plenty of ammunition to claim leadership in the creation of a new monetary order. The Chinese, however, are most unlikely to bid for monetary hegemony in the near future. For the past 25 years they have pursued a policy of aggressive export growth to drive their economy. China successively devalued its currency, from 1.50 renminbi to the dollar in 1980, to 8.72 in 1994. (Today the renminbi trades at 6.20 to the dollar, which the United States still considers artificially low.)

Could China someday peg its currency to gold, as Britain did in 1821? China has the reserves to do this, and it could have the political will, if the dollar proved to be unreliable as a store of value in the future.

Of course, Britain’s earlier adoption of the gold standard, in 1821, worsened a sharp deflationary period, during which, according to one calculation, consumer prices fell nearly 50 percent, between 1818 and 1822.

Nevertheless, to its supporters the gold standard ensured British fiscal and monetary dominance during the rest of the 19th century. As the British historian A.J.P. Taylor observed, 19th-century Britons believed that “a country could not flourish without a balanced budget and a gold currency.” Since Keynes, the West has tried to deny this proposition, with our reliance on deficit spending and “fiat” money, backed mainly by the expectation that a government will not default on its debts.

China is not as indebted as the West, but it is looking to “rebalance” its economy by raising demand by consumers, who want to enjoy the standard of living enjoyed across the Western world. Since 2010, the renminbi has appreciated 14 percent without drastically hurting Chinese exports.

Having expanded its manufacturing base and captured international markets, China may well find a world hooked on its products. It could eventually — in, say, 20 years — peg the renminbi to gold, considering it preferable to the dollar as a store of value, because of its permanence and longevity. With a balanced budget and a gold-backed currency, China’s economy could be even more formidable than it is today. Such a move would truly mark its return as the “Middle Kingdom.” Hard as it may be to contemplate today, this scenario would, in many ways, be a more secure basis for an international monetary regime system than the system of floating exchange rates that Nixon inadvertently created in 1971, one that forever overturned the Bretton Woods order.

Kwasi Kwarteng, a Conservative member of Parliament, is the author of “War and Gold: A Five-Hundred-Year History of Empires, Adventures and Debt.”

忘記「自由」 勢遭奴役


忘記「自由」 勢遭奴役

道指由20093月的低位6470點上升至20147月的17088點,升幅可觀,人人都知道「buy low and sell high, you can make a ton of money!」美股經過64個月上升,後市又如何?是否仍然看好?I have no idea,相信亦沒有一位專家真正睇得通。
中資湧入 撐美樓市
大力扶貧 窮人反增
710日葡萄牙大型銀行必利勝(Banco Espirito Santo)無法支付商業票據引發的危機,涉及資金約25.5億歐羅,理由是該公司透過借短(30天至60天平均只須1厘息)、放長(樓宇貸款卻收4厘息)賺取3厘息回報,一旦無法應付短期債券到期便出事。上述情況由19902007年在全球共出現過124次,2007年至今,歐豬五國(葡萄牙、意大利、愛爾蘭、希臘和西班牙,合稱PIIGS)平均每兩、三年便出現一次,最後都是由歐洲央行「出手」平定,相信這次亦不例外。今天,無論美國、歐洲、日本、中國,甚至香港,「干預」無處不在。
中興期終 步入衰落
國退民進 股價即升